1st Grade
Class 101
Class 102
Class 103
Class 104
1st Grade Happenings
Reading Summary of Module 3 Amazing Animals: Over the course of Module 3 we will read texts that will help us answer the following
Essential Question: How do animals’ bodies help them? We will develop and work on the following reading skills and strategies: Text Organization, Test and Graphic Features, Story Structure, Make Inferences, Create Mental Images, Make and Confirm Predictions, Author’s Purpose, Make Connections, and Ask and Answer Questions.
Reading Summary of Module 4 Better Together: Over the course of Module 4 we will read texts that will help us answer the following
Essential Question: Why is it important to do my best and get along with others? We will develop and work on the following reading skills and strategies: Text organization, Story Structure, Inferences, Create Mental Images, Elements of Drama, Making and Confirm Predictions, Figurative Language, Author’s Purpose, Make Connections and Cause and Effect.
Summary of Module 3 Animals are Amazing
Writing: Over the course of Module 3 we will read the focal text Giraffes, that will help us research which animals are amazing and why. We will be drafting a book by choosing an animal and writing an “all about” book. We will work on developing our writing skills and strategies by using Text organization, Test and Graphic Features, Making and Confirm Predictions, and Author’s Purpose.
Summary of Module 4 To Make a Friend, Be a Friend
Writing: Over the course of Module 4 we will read the focal text Do Unto Otters, that will help us understand how we want to be treated and how we should treat others. We will be drafting a how-to book by thinking of something we can do to make a new friend. We will work on developing our writing skills and strategies by using Text organization and sequential order, Test and Graphic Features, Linking Words, and Author’s Purpose.
Math Curriculum:
Module 3: Addition Facts to 20: Use Strategies
We are currently in our 3rd math unit. In this unit students are expanding their knowledge addition by using different strategies to add up to 20. Students are working on the following strategies: counting on to add, using an open number line, doubles, doubles plus make 10 to add, explain addition strategies, solve addition word problems with facts 20, and problem solving critique reasoning.
Home Connection: Please practice adding numbers up to 20 at home by representing a group of 10 and then some more. Students need to practice counting on from the bigger number in addition. Also, students can practice mastering their skills following their individualized Skill Plan on IXL.
Module 4: Subtraction Facts to 20: Use Strategies
In this unit students are expanding their knowledge addition by using different strategies to subtract up to 20. Students are working on the following strategies: count to subtract, make 10 to subtract,fact families, using addition to subtract, explain subtraction strategies, solve word problems with facts 20, and problem solving: reasoning.
Home Connection: Please practice subtracting from 20 at home. The strategies will be shared as we go. Again, students can practice mastering their skills following their individualized Skill Plan on IXl.
In science our current unit is Light and Sound. We are working in the dual role of light engineers and sound engineers for a puppet-show company as they investigate cause-and-effect relationships and learn about the nature of light and sound. They apply what they learn to designing shadow scenery and sound effects for a show. The students hunt for sound sources, investigate how sounds are made, and explain what vibrates in a particular sound source. They plan, make, and test different ways of making sound effects. They read a book about sound and share what they learn in a mini-book they created for the puppet-show company.
Vocabulary: absorb, emit, frequency, light, visualize, wavelength
Social Studies
Our unit that we are currently working on is the community.This unit examines the functioning and logistical attributes of local, national, and global communities, such as their infrastructure, community workers, citizenship, laws, rights, responsibilities and how to solve problems within a community.
Vocabulary: president, mayor, governor, rights, responsibilities
Music Curriculum:
Students in first grade music are applying their knowledge of steady beat in various percussion instruments and movement activities. The students are learning to distinguish between different sections of recorded music. The students will be studying “Carnival of the Animals” by Camille Saint-Saens to tie to their learnings in their HMH unit “How Animals Bodies Help Them.”
1st grade artists will connect to their HMH module by learning how to draw different animals. Students will explore how to create detailed drawings of animals through line, shape, color, and texture. Students will learn how to create backgrounds related to animal environments and their homes.
Parent & Student Voice
Class 101,102,103, & 104
Students shared their favorite parts about each of our Units.
Class 101
My favorite part of first grade is math. I like it when you have to speak together about the math. The part of math I like the most is the open number line.-Axel Perez
My favorite part of first grade is writing. - Aria Harillal
Class 102
My favorite of Social Studies is the animal structures .- Miguel Gil Zamora
Math is my favorite part of first grade. -Marnia Sharleez
Class 103
My favorite part of first grade is math. I like addition. -Gabriella Sookdeo
I like math because you get to learn about things you don;t know about in math.We are learning about doubles. -Ean Burgos
Class 104
My favorite part of first grade is being nice. -Zoya Reynoso