Parent Handbook
Ms. Grant Principal
Mission & Core Values
At Queens Explorers Elementary School
We are committed to creating a welcoming and affirming learning community by teaching students the collaborative learning skills and tools to become active and engaged global citizens.
We will build character through our core values of responsibility, respect, and trust and teach social action to affect positive change in our local community and around the globe.
Students will make global connections and impact the world for the better through our multidisciplinary curriculum, social-emotional programs, and service-learning initiatives.
Core Values
Trust: All stakeholders communicate freely with the confidence that others will be critical, compassionate, consistent, knowledgeable, honest and open.
Responsibility: All stakeholders will join as partners in having mutual accountability for meeting the academic and social needs of all students.
Respect: All stakeholders demonstrate and attitude of consideration toward the world, the community, the school, each other and themselves through thoughtful actions and words.
School Hours and Phone Numbers
BREAKFAST EACH DAY AT 8:00am- Grab and Go
The school’s office hours are from 8:00AM to 2:20PM
Monday through Friday during the days of regular school operations.
90-07 101St Avenue, Ozone Park, NY 11416
Important School Telephone Extensions
Main Office…………………..…718-558-7088
Fax #...............................................718-558-7091
District 27 Administrative office ………718-642-5800
Registration & Emergency Information Authorization Forms
Registration & Emergency Information Authorization Forms
Admission Policy:
Queens Explorers Elementary School is a choice school. Parents must apply through the NYC Department of Education. If all seats are filled, a waiting list is generated. In order to register at Queens Explorers, the following forms must be completed.
To access all enrollment forms please visit
Forms for Registration
- Emergency Blue Card- Keep updated!
- Home Language Survey
- Photo Consent Form
- Lunch Form
- Student Physical/Health Form given to nurse
- Ethnicity Survey
Emergency Information Authorization Card (Blue Cards) are kept in the Main Office for all students. If the parent cannot be reached, there must be at least three adult names with current phone numbers on the card who are designated to care for the child. It is asked that you complete the Emergency Information Authorization Form each September. Please be accurate with phone numbers and update as soon as changes occur. Also, please share and provide an alternative location for your child to go if school is closed early. The school must be able to call you if it closes due to an emergency or inclement weather. Please be advised that your child will not be released to anyone unless the Main Office has received a written note from the parent/guardian or the person picking up your child in listed on the Blue Card. Emergency Information Authorization Form.
If you are moving, please update the school with your new contact information, including the new address and phone number of home and work.
Attendance Information
Education law and Board of Education policy (See CR A-210) requires that every child attaining the age of six and under the age of sixteen attend school during school hours for a minimum of 180 days per year unless excluded by provisions of the law as described below. Attendance rates are included as one of the promotional criteria. Attendance in class is an integral part of the successful educational process. Education is the priority for your child. DO NOT schedule vacations or pleasure trips while school is in session. Parents are required to provide a written excuse indicating the reasons for any absence, tardiness, or early departure. Extended absences of three or more days require documentation from the doctor. Absentee Form
You can also access the absentee form on the home page of the schools website. We encourage you to make all doctors’ appointments in the afternoon so that they do not interfere with the instruction the students receive each day. Please send absent notes to Parents are asked to call the school before 8:00 a.m. whenever their child/children are going to be absent. Queens Explorers Elementary School requires 95% attendance rate. In alignment with the academic focus of the Department of Education, Queens Explorers requires that if a child is absent during the day, they then cannot participate in extra-curricular activities. The priority is the academic day. Please keep in mind our intention is not to be punitive, but to teach responsibility so that we are preparing our students for the reality and importance of education in real life.
Excused absences, lateness and early departures are legally allowable due to:
• Personal illness
• Serious illness or death in the family
• Religious observance/education during school hours
• Required court appearances
•Required medical appointments of the pupil that cannot be scheduled in the afternoon
• School sponsored activities
All other absences, tardiness (lateness) and early dismissals are considered unexcused and illegal.
Examples are:
• Truancy
• Family Vacations
• Babysitting
• Work during school hours
• Over-sleeping, missing the school bus, etc
. • No parent/doctor’s written note for an otherwise excusable absence
• Accompanying a parent on an appointment
Administrative procedures ensure that students’ attendance is monitored on a regular basis; ensure systems in place to acknowledge a student’s efforts to maintain or improve school attendance and ensure a means to monitor and communicate attendance records with parents/guardians and agencies, as appropriate. Please be advised that being frequently late to school will negatively affect your child’s school records and grades. ANY CHILD ARRIVING AT THE SCHOOL BUILDING AFTER 8:35 AM IS LATE.
School Records
Please be aware that permanent school records (report cards, cumulative folders, etc.) must reflect the name recorded on your child’s birth certificate. If your child’s name has been legally changed, please bring documented legal proof of the change to the office as soon as possible.
If custody of a child is limited by court order, a copy of that order must be on file at the school. Without a signed court order, either parent may request to see a teacher, be contacted in the event of an emergency, view school records on their child, or sign their child out of school. It is imperative to provide the school with a copy of the court order at the beginning of each school year so that accurate and up-to-date records can be maintained. Please provide any court documents to the school within 45 days of obtaining the court order. For additional information see Chancellor’s Regulation CR A750
Safety Plan
In accordance with Chancellor’s Regulation (CR) A414, the Queens Explorers Safety Committee has adopted a school-wide safety plan and building level emergency response plans. These plans are intended to define how the school building will respond to acts of violence, emergency situations, and other disasters.
The safety plan provides a framework for identifying and implementing appropriate strategies for creating and maintaining a safe and secure learning environment for all of the students. A copy of the plan is available for examination in the main office, upon updating and completion each year.
Fire Drills and soft lockdowns are performed throughout the school year in accordance with regulations outlined by the NYC DOE. Improper behavior during fire drills such as talking, yelling, running or failure to follow instructions of the teachers or other adults present will result in disciplinary actions. Behavior of this kind endangers lives and will not be tolerated.
Emergency School Closing and Unscheduled Early Dismissals
When it becomes necessary to close school due to inclement weather or a school emergency, announcements will be made after 6:00 a.m. on the local radio and television stations. NYC information line (311) may also be consulted as well as the DOE website.
In the case of an emergency early dismissal, the school will use the information on the blue contact card only to notify parents/guardians/caregivers. No new verbal pickup arrangements will be accepted; your child will only be released to individuals listed on their blue information card on file in the main office.
Breakfast Program
Kindergarten-Fifth grade breakfast is served beginning at 8:00 am Grab and Go style within their classroom. However, any child arriving on the bus (private or city) should be fed at home to ensure they will have a healthy breakfast before instruction. All students eat breakfast in their classroom with their teachers throughout the school year; not in the cafeteria.
Free Lunch Program
The school provides free meals to children of eligible families. Eligibility is dependent on the family completing a school lunch application. See CR A-810. It is imperative that you complete application online or fill out the paper version and send back the completed lunch form to school as soon as you receive it.
Your completion of this form influences the school budget.
Homework is given to students so that they can practice the skills they learned in school. It is important to allow your child to do their own work. Please continue to support your child, however students will learn by experiencing trial and error when completing their own work. Please allow enough time in the evening or weekends for them to complete their work on their own.
• The homework assignment should be something that asks the parents to work together with his/her child.
• Parents, be sure to ask your child, “What did you learn in school today?” and have them verbalize at least three things they did that day. This discussion not only develops your relationship with your child, but also helps your child reflect and develop language.
Kindergarten thru 5th Grade:
• Each night the students should be expected to “READ” or listen to their parents read aloud a story. The students can keep a record and respond to the stories. Each classroom will have a lending library or access to a digital library to assist you. Parents, be sure to ask your child, “What did you learn in school today?” and have them verbalize at least three things they did that day. This discussion not only develops your relationship with your child, but also helps your child reflect and develop language.
Arrival Procedures
3K , Pre- Kindergarten
Arrive at 8:00am at the 91st street entrance (Cafeteria Entrance). Teachers and Par-Professionals will accept the students and proceed to the classrooms.
Students will be seated in cafeteria at assigned tables and picked up by teachers by 8:00 AM
Kindergarten, First Grade
Arrive at 8:00am at the 90th street entrance (Gymnatorium).
Parents line up by Gymnatorium Door.
Students be seated in the Gymnatorium at designated spots and picked up by teachers by 8:00 AM
Second-Fifth Grade
Arrive at 8:00am at the main entrance on 101st Avenue.The students will be allowed to enter the building at 8:00am and proceed to their classrooms. They will be greeted at their classrooms by their teachers.
All doors will close at 8:05am. If you arrive to school with your child, for arrival, after 8:05am, please bring him/her through the main entrance and your child will be escorted to their classroom. When the student is late to school, the parent must sign him/her in at the main desk.
Dismissal Procedures
Dismissal will take place between 2:10 pm each day
3K, Pre-K
On 91st Street Entrance, students are seated at designated tables.
Kindergarten, First Grade
Students are dismissed through the Gymnatorium Entrance on 90th Street. Parents enter through gate on 90th Street by Gymnatorium door.
2nd- 5th Grade
Large School Yard
On inclement weather
Grade 2 : Dismissed in the Gymnatorium with Kindergarten and 1st Grade.
3rd -5th Grade: Exit through Main Entrance
Only adults who are listed on the Pick Up Form and have a valid ID will be allowed to pick up your child. Therefore, it is extremely important to update the list with new phone numbers and contacts as they arise. This can be done by calling the main office.
Students who are late being picked up will be held in the school cafeteria and will be supervised by school staff. The student will be signed in as a “late pick up.” The school staff will then contact all adults on the emergency card, starting with the parents.
If you anticipate being late or have a change in pick up procedures for your child, please call the main office so that we can let the teacher and student know before dismissal begins. When picking up your child late, the parent/guardian MUST show ID at the security desk.
If you are chronically late picking up your child, there will be a requested meeting with the Principal to determine how to remedy the issue.
Reentering School After Hours
Due to security reasons, students will NOT be allowed back into school after dismissal. Please impress upon your child to make sure he/she has all of the necessary materials prior to leaving for the day. If your child participates in an after school program at Queens Explorers, he/she will not be allowed to leave the school premises in between the time of school dismissal and the start of the after school program.
On half days when there is early dismissal ALL students must leave the premises at dismissal time and all after school programs are cancelled unless otherwise informed. Dismissal is at 11:00am (doors open at 10:50am) on half days.
Pedestrian and Vehicle Safety
Use great caution when driving or walking along/across 101st Avenue, as well as 90th street and 91st street.
Families and students should always walk on sidewalks and cross at crosswalks and corners
Families and students are expected to be orderly and positive representatives of our school in the community
Families and students must be mindful of motorists from both directions while crossing the street
For parents who drive their children to and /or from school, vehicles must not stop in roadway to pick up or drop off students
Vehicles must not double park or stand in bus drop off/pick up locations
Vehicles must not stand/park in fire hydrant locations
Parking regulations near the school must be respected and obeyed
Transportation is provided for all students in Kindergarten through 8th grade based on DOE transportation policy. (See CR A-801 for full details). Pre-K students may not receive bus transportation. Parents also have the option of providing their own private transportation.
If you are interested in bus transportation to and from school, please follow the procedure outlined below:
1. Call or DOJO Maureen Abernethy or email her at
2. Tell Maureen Abernethy , that you are interested in bus transportation for your child.
3. She will check to determine if you are eligible.
4. If you are eligible, she will ask you to choose a bus stop that you would like your child picked up and dropped off at. There is a list of bus stops to choose from. The bus will not pick you up at your house.
5. The secretary will enter that information on the computer.
6. You will be advised when you can begin using the bus. The Principal oversees all bus discipline. The school will work closely with parents to maintain positive bus behavior, which will ensure the safety of everyone on board.
MUST keep all body parts inside the bus at all times and wear their seatbelt.
MUST be on time when being picked up by the bus or dropped off.
Are asked NOT to stand in the roadway while waiting for the bus.
SHOULD wait in an orderly manner and never push or shove a fellow student. 18 TRANSPORTATION (Cont’d)
SHOULD remember that the driver is in charge of the students and they must obey the bus driver at all times while riding the bus.
ARE to allow drivers the ability to attend 100% to the proper and safe handling of the school bus.
ARE required to ask permission to open all windows.
ARE NOT to throw papers or any other materials on the floor of the bus or out the windows of the bus.
ARE NOT to move about the bus while it is in motion.
ARE to wear a seatbelt once seated.
MUST remain seated until the bus comes to a full stop before exiting.
MUST obey the driver’s instructions when crossing the road.
Should NOT bring glass, pets, etc. onto the bus.
All bus incidents will be handled fairly and swiftly. In order to ensure proper bus safety, students must adhere to the above rules. Chronic bus misbehavior will result in a student losing bus riding privileges for a specified period of time or indefinitely. Please make sure to review the rules with your child at the beginning of the school year and at intervals throughout the year.
First Incident = 1week Bus Suspension
Second Incident = 3 week Bus Suspension
Third Incident = Permanent Suspension from Bus
Students are also subject to other disciplinary actions outlined in the DOE Discipline Code.
If a family member has a safety concern related to bussing OR has a question, see the school Parent Coordinator
Service Learning
Students will be entering a global community and they must learn to build respect for not only their own community and culture, but also for cultures around the world. The world will one day be their responsibility and it is our job to prepare them. Children will learn how to communicate, analyze situations, make judgments, access information in a variety of ways, and continue to learn about the changing world as they grow up in our school. The service learning projects will invite the community and the families to get involved. We look forward to working together to make the world a better place.
School Wide Service Learning Projects: Every student will take part in at least five school wide service learning projects during the year.
Global Exploration
As we prepare our students for college and career readiness, it is important that they experience and respect cultures and people beyond the boundaries of their community and country. There are two primary ways in which Global Exploration will be embedded into our curriculum by the Queens Explorers staff in the classroom:
Report Cards
Report Cards will be available to parents at the parents NYC School accounts. Please check the calendar when the report cards for K-5 will be released. If a parent cannot attend the Parent/Teacher Conference date, he/she must work out an alternate conference date with the teacher.
• The three marking period grades are NOT cumulative; they represent the grade earned for the marking period only.
Parent Teacher Conferences
The parent teacher conferences are in November and March. Please check the calendar for the dates. The teachers will be scheduling conference times with each family. All conferences will be virtual this year. Please come on time to your conference. If you are late, you will be asked to reschedule with the teacher.
Promotional Policy
The promotional policy is aligned with the NYC DOE Promotion Policy. The Queens Explorers Promotion Policy is built on the belief that regular attendance increases student achievement and self-esteem and develops positive attitudes toward school and learning.
Student Placement
Students are placed by the building Principal, with additional input from grade-level specialists and current grade-level teaching staff, including music, ESL and Guidance. Placement is made on an individual basis, with primary concern given to placing the child in an academic environment that will provide the greatest potential for academic advancement. Every attempt is made to balance classes including number of male and female students, learning styles, range of abilities, special needs and student relationships. We have your child’s best interest in mind when we make these decisions.
Book Use and Responsibility
Students are responsible for maintaining good condition of all textbooks, literature books, library books, learning toolkits, etc. All parents/guardians will be held accountable for payment of any items that are lost or returned in poor condition (written-in, torn, or dirty). No report cards will be released if there are outstanding books or fees.
Academic Integrity Policy
Queens Explorers highly values academic integrity and does not permit any form of dishonesty or deception that unfairly, improperly, or illegally adds to the enhancement of a grade of an individual assignment or a course grade. Teachers and Administration are aware, however, that new forms of cheating, plagiarism and other forms of dishonesty may arise, and therefore we expect every student to interpret the requirement of academic honesty and integrity broadly and in good faith. If there is any doubt as to whether a particular act constitutes academic dishonesty, ask a teacher before your child proceeds with it. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:
Cheating on Exams:
1. Copying from others
2. Having or using notes, formulas, or other information in a programmable calculator or other electronic device without explicit teacher review and permission
3. Having or using a communication device such as a cell phone, pager, PDA, or electronic translator to send or obtain unauthorized information
4. Taking an exam for another student, or permitting someone to take a test for you
5. Asking another to give you improper assistance, including offering money or other benefits
6. Asking for or accepting money or any other benefit in return for giving another improper assistance
7. Providing or receiving information about all or part of an exam, including answers (e.g., telling someone in a subsequent period what was on your exam, or being told this information)
8. Having or using a “cheat sheet” (a piece of paper with answers, formulas, information, or notes of any kind) that is not specifically authorized by the teacher
9. Altering a graded exam and resubmitting it for a better grade
10. Working together on a take home exam, unless specifically authorized by the teacher Gaining or providing unauthorized access to examination materials
11. Misrepresenting your academic accomplishments, such as by tampering with computer records
12. Deceiving a teacher by making up a false excuse or reason in efforts to gain special consideration on an exam or extension for an exam, paper, or project
13. Failing to promptly stop work on an exam when the time allocated has elapsed
14. Forging a signature
15. Hoarding or damaging library materials Note: Simply having possession of any prohibited or unauthorized information or device during an exam (whether or not it is actually used) is an act of academic dishonesty and will be dealt with as such.
Plagiarism in Papers and Assignments:
• Giving or getting improper assistance on an assignment meant to be individual work (when in doubt, ask)
• Including any materials not based on your own research and writing on assignments turned in for credit.
This includes:
1. Using the services of a commercial term paper company
2. Using the services of another student
3. Copying part or all of another person’s paper and submitting it as your own for an assignment
• Acting as a provider of paper(s) for any student(s)
• Submitting substantial portions of the same academic work for credit in more than one course without consulting both teachers (self-plagiarism).
• Failing to use quotation marks where appropriate • Failing to properly acknowledge paraphrased materials via textual attribution, footnotes, endnotes,
and/or a bibliography
• Making up data for an experiment (falsifying data)
• Citing nonexistent sources (articles, books, etc.)
Consequences for Academic Dishonesty
• The first offense will be reported to the Principal, and will result in a grade of 0% on the assignment and a notation will be cited on the student’s record. A parent conference will be held. If the student is in a leadership role, he/she will be removed
• The second offense will be reported to the Principal. Parent conference will be scheduled. Loss of participation in clubs and after school activities. An automatic grade of 0% on the assignment, and a notation will be cited on the student’s record.
• Should a third offense occur, it would result in a scheduled parent conference and one year’s probation from all clubs, activities, and trips. The student will receive a failing grade for that subject.
• All assignments must be resubmitted; if not submitted, the student will receive a zero on the assignment
Note: Attempted academic dishonesty, even if unsuccessful, will be treated as academic dishonesty.
In event it is established that a student has engaged in academic dishonesty, a committee of staff members and administration has adopted the following steps as a policy.
Parent Involvement Activities
Queens Explorers Elementary School will have regular virtual trips or walking trips. Parents will fund trips if fees are required. A permission slip must be completed for each field trip. The forms will be sent home prior to the scheduled trip. This form must be completed and returned to school before a student may participate in the trip. If the school administrators assess that your child’s conduct does not reflect the rules and regulations of Queens Explorers, you may be asked to accompany your child for your child to attend. In this case, the teacher will contact the parent if their child will not be attending the trip.
School Clubs and Extracurricular Activities
There will be opportunities for participation in extracurricular clubs and activities at Queens Explorers Elementary School. Students must exhibit behavior that exemplifies the culture of Queens Explorers Elementary School and remain in compliance with the uniform policy and school Code of Conduct. Students may be excluded from participation in any of these activities based on non-compliance or teacher recommendation for removal. The school reserves the right to remove a student at any time throughout the year based on infractions. When an extra-curricular activity begins, a permission slip will be sent home with your son/daughter. We ask that you return the slip within two days in order for your son/daughter to retain his/her seat in the program. If the slip is not returned, another student may be asked to fill that seat.
Queens Explorers has a full time nurse assigned to the school every day who is available to students as needed. Minor injuries are cared for at the school. For more severe illnesses or injuries, the nurse will notify families to have the child taken to the doctor. In emergency cases the school will be required to call for an ambulance. Families/guardians will always be notified of a serious problem. Queens Explorers follows NYC Department of Health policies and protocols for all health related issues.
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
Queens Explorers maintains on site functional Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) for use during emergencies. Some of the school personnel have been trained in their use.
Health Awareness List
The welfare and safety of all of our students is our top priority. A Health Awareness List of students who have health-related concerns is maintained for the staff and is updated throughout the year. Please inform the Health Office of any changes in your child’s health. The school nurse is always available to work with you or help with any health issues. This includes any and all conditions, especially food allergies. It is the family’s responsibility to inform the school personnel of any of your child’s allergies or health conditions.
Illness Reporting
If a child has signs or symptoms of illness such as fever, sore throat, upset stomach, etc., the child should not be sent to school. Families must complete the daily Health Screening through the NYCDOE.
Immunization Requirements
New York State Public Heath Law (PHL #2164) requires that every child shall be immunized. Please see CR A701 for full details. We do not wish to prohibit any child from attending school, but public health and state education law requires that immunization requirements must be met for school attendance or the child will be excluded.
It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to provide this information to the school. Acceptable records include certificates of immunization or a signed statement attesting to required immunizations from a physician or health facility. Any additional immunization updates will be distributed as we receive them.
School nurses CANNOT administer prescription or over-the-counter medications to a student without the following: (See CR A-701 for full details.)
- Written directions from the physician using school form Section 504 Authorization to Administer Medication by School Personnel with the physician’s signature.
- Written request for a parent/guardian for the school nurse to administer the medication.
- Unexpired pharmaceutically labeled medication must be supplied by the parent to be maintained in school nurse’s office.
- In accordance with Health Department regulations, any unused medications must be claimed by the parent or guardian at the end of the school year or it will be discarded.
- Students may NOT carry medication with them at any time, unless written authorization is received from the physician.
- Teachers will NOT be permitted to administer medicine of any kind to students.
Physical Examinations
The Education Law requires that a physical examination be furnished by each pupil upon entrance to the school district (including Pre-K and Kindergarten) and by each child entering the 1st, 3rd, and 6th grade. It is recommended that your family physician give your child a complete medical examination. Your physician will need to complete a school health examination form, which may be obtained from the school nurse. If this form is not returned to the school, your child may be excluded from school events and field trips and it may be asked that they do not return to school until the completed physical examination form is provided. It is requested that the health office be notified of any change in the health status of the child.
Hearing is tested annually for every K and 1st grade student, as well as any new students to the DOE as required by New York State Law, and vision is tested annually for every pupil. The school nurse will notify a parent/guardian when a problem is indicated, and a Physician Referral will be sent to the parent/guardian. See CR A-701 for full details.
Choice of shoes (sneakers preferred because the students will have recess.)
Dress Code
Queens Explorers Elementary School is a uniform school and all students are required to adhere to the school’s strict uniform policy every day, including first and last days of school, birthdays, and on field trips*. Clothing worn to school should be clean and neat. Undershirts are not to be worn as uniform tops and students may not wear denim pants as part of their uniform. If students choose to wear a sweater or sweater-vest, it must be solid navy blue. If there is writing, pictures, graphics, etc. on the sweatshirt or sweater, your child will be asked to remove it during school hours. Our school colors and style scheme are light blue tops and solid navy blue bottoms for all grades 3K thru 5. All sweat pants or gym pants must align with the color scheme. If tights are worn they should be solid Blue. Appropriate footwear is to be worn at all times. Sneakers are to be worn each day for recess.
*Picture Day is the only day on which students will be allowed to attend school without standard school uniform.
Dress Code Enforcement
Parents of any child reporting to school without suitable uniform attire will be immediately contacted and asked to bring the appropriate uniform to the school.
Positive Behavior Intervention and Support
Core Values:
Trust, Respect, Responsibility
Behavioral Expectations:
Expectations for every context in the school are laid out in a matrix throughout the school. Those contexts are: Hallways, Gymatorium, Assemblies, Playground, Cafeteria, Classroom.
Explorer Tokens will be given to students who exhibit behavior that aligns with our core values. Every token that is given is added to a class “pot”. Each class has a goal for the number of tokens they want to reach and an experiential reward when they reach that goal. This goal is posted on each class’s door. Tokens can be given by any adult staff member.
The school principal will give students Core Value wristbands when any student is seen exhibiting those core values.
Code of Conduct Summary
This summary document of the Queens Explorers Elementary School’s Code of Conduct is developed in an effort to:
Clearly define the expectations for acceptable conduct on school property.
Identify the possible consequences of unacceptable conduct
Ensure that discipline, when necessary, is administered promptly and fairly.
Rights and Responsibilities
The Code of Conduct defines the rights and responsibilities of students as members of the school community. These rights and responsibilities relate to academic, school citizenship, behavioral and extra-curricular activities.
Essential Partners
The following adults are identified as essential to support students as they develop as students and good citizens: parents, teachers, student service personnel, Assistant Principal, Principal, Superintendent, and the Board of Education. Their roles and responsibilities are explained in detail in the complete document.
Core Values guide our Behavior Management System:
1. Respect
2. Responsibility
3. Trust
Students attending Queens Explorers must maintain decorum of behavior that is polite, respectful, and compliant to school regulations. Courtesy toward classmates, teachers, staff, and visitors is imperative in order to achieve an effective educational environment. Individual classroom behavior management systems will focus on reinforcing the positive or desired Core Values. Classroom expectations will be set on the first day of school each year.
Disciplinary Penalties, Procedures, and Referrals
Disciplinary action, when necessary, will be firm, fair, and consistent so as to be the most effective in changing student behavior. As a general rule, discipline will be progressive and will fall into categories of infractions labeled Minor, Major, and Extreme. Examples of each category are as follows:
a. Minor. Classroom disruptions, aggressive actions, disregard of school regulations, damage of private and school property through misconduct, or dress code violations.
b. Major. Assault of any person (student, staff, teacher, or visitors), willful destruction of personal and/or school property, use of abusive or profane language, and occurrence of cheating or theft. It is unacceptable to bring real or toy guns, knives, weapons, and the like to school.
c. Extreme. Excess violence, threatening behavior, illegal or dangerous activities.
In determining the appropriate disciplinary action, school personnel authorized to impose penalties will consider the student’s age, the nature of the offense and the circumstances which led to it, the student’s prior disciplinary record, the effectiveness of other forms of discipline, information from parents, teachers, and/or others, as appropriate, and all other extenuating circumstances. The school staff will use the ladder of intervention in handling individual cases.
Penalties for various infractions may include, but are not limited to:
Oral and written warnings to the student
Written notification to parent/guardian
Parent Conference • Classroom Detention
Suspension from recess
Suspension from social/extra-curricular activities
Suspension of other privileges
In-school suspension
Removal from classroom
Short or long term suspension from school
Corporal punishment of any student by any district employee is forbidden.
For full information see CR A 420 Reasonable physical force may be used to:
Protect oneself, or any person from physical injury.
Protect the property of the school or others
.Restrain or remove a student whose behavior interferes with safety and orderly operation of the school (if the student has refused to refrain from further disruptive acts).
Disciplinary actions will be based on guidelines from the DOE Code of Discipline. The Code of Discipline can be viewed online.
Discipline of Students with Disabilities:
The code of conduct affords students with disabilities certain procedural protections whenever school authorities intend to impose discipline upon them. These procedures are consistent with the safeguards required by applicable laws and regulations. However, all students are required to comply with the discipline codes and procedures from the DOE and Queens Explorers.
It is the sincere desire of the staff to provide a safe, caring environment conducive to learning. Behavior that does not facilitate this will not be tolerated. It is our goal to allow our students to learn in an atmosphere of safety and mutual respect. If a child has a problem with another student and cannot resolve it on his/her own, he/she can come to any adult in the building, inform his/her teacher or any adult immediately. Physical violence of any sort is not acceptable as a means of resolving conflicts. Any child engaging in such actions will be subject to disciplinary actions as outlined in the NYC DOE Discipline Code.
Reporting Violations
All students are expected to promptly report violations of the code to the appropriate adult. All staff that is authorized to impose disciplinary sanctions is expected to do so in a prompt, fair, and lawful matter. The building principal or his/her designee must notify the appropriate local law enforcement agency of those code violations that constitute a crime and substantially affect the order or security of a school as soon as is practical.
Sexual Harassment
It is the policy of the school district to maintain a learning- and working-environment that is free of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is deemed unacceptable conduct in the educational and employment environment and will not be tolerated. Students and school employees should report the alleged violations of this policy to the Principal immediately.
Visitors to the School
This year we are limiting the number of visitors in the school at a given time and we address visitors and parent concerns by phone or virtually. For student safety, all visitors are required to first sign in at the front security desk and be issued a visitor’s pass, (which must be displayed at all times), then report to the main office to sign in again. The pass must be returned upon exiting the building. As models for the children we want to remind families that adults must display appropriate behavior at school. While in the school building, parents are expected to observe the core values of respect, responsibility and trust. We expect adult visitors to our building to control the volume of their voice and refrain from use of profane language and gestures even if you believe no child can see or hear you. In instances where there is conflict, a parent should not question other children or adults. School staff members are available to assist in those matters. The school reserves the right to request removal of or allow limited access to anyone who violates these mandates.
The following applies to visitors and volunteers to the school:
1. Anyone who is not a regular staff member of Queens Explorers Elementary School is a visitor.
2. All visitors are required to sign on at the security desk and in the Main Office.
3. Unauthorized persons will be asked to leave the school premises.
4. No students will be removed from school unless they are signed out in the Main Office as per school procedures.
All persons on school premises or attending a school function shall conduct themselves in a respectful and orderly manner in accordance with our posted core values. In addition, all persons on school property or attending a school function are expected to be properly attired.
At various times throughout the school year, newspapers and TV stations may be present at the school to record different school functions and activities. For your child to participate in any activity or event that may lead to him/her being photographed, the school will need to have a signed Photo Consent Release on file. Once signed, this document will cover any and all activities that may occur during the current school year. Additional forms are available in the Main Office.
At Queens Explorer’s Elementary School we believe in life-long learning and therefore, we may have some student teachers in the building who are working to become certified teachers. If they should want to take pictures or videos of the students, they will have their own Release Form for the students to fill out at the time that they are student teaching.
Queens Explorers will obtain parental consent to publish photographic images and, if necessary, to print the names of the students in photographs accompanying materials published by the school, such as the yearbook, or in press releases and articles submitted to local newspapers. The school will always use discretion in the choice and use of photographs, and students will never be identified by full name if they appear on the school website.
This is the site-based decision-making team which includes parent members. The team consists of instructional staff, non-instructional staff, the Principal, and parents elected by the general PA voting body. Parent members on this committee have direct input in school governance and decision-making.
Queens Explorers PTA objectives are to provide support and resources to the school and the parents of the children attending this school for the benefit and educational growth of the children. We will help develop a cooperative working relationship between the parents and the staff of our school; develop parent leadership and build a greater capacity for parent involvement and participation on all levels; and continually encourage and provide opportunities for training and growth that foster active participation in decision-making and school governance.
Parent involvement opportunities always exist. There are many PTA committees that need your help and participation to function. We encourage parents to become active committee members.
Parent Involvement Activities
Parent Teacher communication is encouraged throughout the school year. Teachers can be contacted through Class Dojo, e-mail or telephone calls through the main office. No teacher will be called to the telephone during instructional times. Any meetings must be pre-arranged with the teacher and times are to be strictly adhered to, to minimize interruption in instruction.
Parent Teacher Association
Parents are invited to be part of the Parent-teacher Association. The PTA will meet on a monthly basis at a minimum. Monthly general meetings will be regular and announced for all parents to attend. Meetings will be held remotely.
Parent Bulletin Board
Notices can be found posted on the Parent Bulletin Board and or near the main entrance.
Service Learning Celebrations
Throughout the year, there will be five school-wide service learning projects for every student. The final phase of every project is the “Celebration Phase.” During the “Celebration Phase” the students, families, and staff celebrate the positive impact that they have made on their community and on communities around the world. Parents are always welcome to help plan these events, and of course share in the festivities with our children!
Parent Workshops and Family Activities
There are ample opportunities to join our remote activities. They will include Parent Empowerment Meetings and Events, and Parent Workshops. Parent workshops are provided by our staff or outside consultants. These workshops will be on subjects that are generated by parents. Come with your ideas! Come and join the fun!
Learning Environment Parent Surveys
Learning Environment Surveys are distributed each year to obtain input and feedback from parents to determine how the school can improve. We strongly encourage your participation in this survey.
Concerts, Performances & Evening Events
Concerts/Performances and Evening Events will be held virtually. It is expected that families mute their device microphone when attending events. All children are expected to obey the school's code of conduct.
Computer Usage
The computer equipment and access to the Internet are provided to our students for educational purposes only, and can only be used under the direct supervision of a staff member.
Students are responsible for good behavior on the school computer Internet network. Access to the Internet is provided for students to conduct research for instructional purposes and to communicate with others. It is not being provided to access social websites, chat rooms, instant messaging, or inappropriate websites. Access to the Internet is provided to students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner, as defined in the contract.
Any questions or issues with technology, you can contact Ms. Tracy via DOJO or email: Christina Tracy
Games, Toys, Electronics
Queens Explorers strictly prohibits the use of all electronic games, toys, and other electronic devices. Please do not allow your children to bring these types of items on school premises. If discovered, they will be confiscated and held in the Principal’s office until parents/guardians come in to claim them in accordance to CR A413. If the device is not claimed in one month it can and will be discarded.
Lost and Found
Please take the time to clearly label all articles of clothing and other possessions to avoid loss and to help in their identification should they get lost. Do not mark your child’s clothing on the outside. If clothing is not claimed by the end of each month, it will be donated or discarded. Place all ID tags on the inside to protect against possible child abduction.