2nd Grade

Second Grade Syllabus

 Second Grade Syllabus  


Class 201

Class 202

Class 203

Class 204

2nd Grade Happenings

Summary of Module 4 Once Upon a Time: In this module, children will experience traditional and contemporary stories. Some of these are stories that may be familiar to children but have a new, interesting twist! Children will learn that stories can convey messages to readers. Important lessons can be learned from the characters, and just like real people, characters in stories make mistakes and learn from what they do wrong. Readers can learn valuable lessons from the actions of these characters.

Reading: Over the course of Module 4 we will read texts that will help us answer the following

Essential Question: What lessons can we learn from the characters in stories? We will develop and work on the following reading skills and strategies: Text Organization, Story Structure,Make Inferences, Create Mental Images, Elements of Drama, Make and Confirm Predictions, Figurative Language, Author’s Purpose, Make Connections, and Cause and Effect.

 Storytelling web: Imagine, Share, Make Connections 

Summary of Module 5 Lead the Way: The principal of a school, the mayor of a town or city, and the owner of a local business have at least one thing in common—they are all leaders in the community. But what makes these people good leaders? In this module, children will read stories and texts that will help them identify the qualities many good leaders possess. They can learn to recognize these qualities in themselves so they can work to become good leaders in the classroom and in their school.

Reading:Over the course of Module 5 we will read texts that will help us answer the following

Essential Question:What are the qualities of a good leader? We will develop and work on the following reading skills and strategies: Text organization, Story Structure, Inferences, Create Mental Images, Elements of Drama, Making and Confirm Predictions, Figurative Language, Author’s Purpose, Make Connections and Cause and Effect. 


 Leadership Web:
leaders can, Leaders are, Leaders Influence 

Writing Module 4 Once Upon a Time 

Throughout this module, students will be learning about the elements of writing a narrative. We will focus on characters, a plot which includes a beginning, middle and end. Throughout this module students will come back to the focus statement of; A good story has key parts to keep the reader interested. Students will spend time creating their own narrative writing piece. 

 Elements of a Narrative:
Beginning, Middle, End 

Home Connection: To help your child identify elements they will need in Narrative Writing (these elements would include characters, setting, sequence of events and emotions), ask your child to identify these things in the fiction stories they read.  It will help them to develop their own story elements and emotions for their writing.


Writing Module 5 Lead The Way 

Throughout this module, students will be learning about the elements of informational writing. We will focus on how informational writing has an introduction, body and conclusion. Students will learn that informational writing is used to describe something, to tell things in time or step order, to compare and contrast two things, and to show problems and solutions. Throughout this module students will come back to the focus statement of; Every person has unique characteristics. Students will spend time creating their own informational writing piece about what makes them unique.

 Elements of Informational Text
Introduction, Body, Conclusion 

Home Connection: Part of informational writing is gathering details about your topic. Have your child pick a topic of interest and write 3 of the MOST important details about their topic. When doing this activity, discuss with your child which are the most important details and which are less important. 

Math Curriculum: 


Module 3: Place Value

We are currently in our 3rd math unit.  In this unit students are expanding their knowledge of bundling ones, tens, and hundreds up to a thousand. Numbers will begin to consist of 3 digit numbers. Students are working on counting by ones, tens, and hundreds. Students will work on using number lines and place value charts. Students are reviewing that 10 ones equals 1 ten, now they will learn that 10 tens equals 100.  Students will work on adding 100 more and 100 less. 

Home Connection: Please practice creating 3 digit numbers, and representing those numbers in as many ways as you can.  Then practice changing the number by +/- 10 or +/- 100.  

Module 4: Addition & Subtraction with word problem.

In this module students will work on their fluency of adding within 100.  Students will work on mastery of place value and renaming place values using the HTO chart and base ten models.  They will use place value to help them add and subtract within 1,000. They will add and subtract multiples of 100. Students will also solve problems using the following strategies: HTO chart, number line and vertical way.  

Home Connection: Please practice adding and subtracting multiples of ten.  Also, students can practice mastering their skills following their individualized Skill Plan on IXl.  


In science our current unit is Properties of Materials. We are working to create the best glue to use for our school.  The students have learned about and applied the design cycle. The students have experimented by mixing dry and wet ingredients to create a “sticky” substance. We will continue to work on creating the stickiest glue. 

Vocabulary: engineer, observation, experiment, test, mixture, substance, record, ingredient, claim, evidence, property, materials, predict, design 


Social Studies 

Our unit that we are currently working on  is called Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities. We discussed the national symbols of our country and national holidays. We have learned about the different parts of our government and the roles of each part. The students also discussed who the important leaders of New York and our country are. The first week in November, we will be discussing the election process and how someone becomes the president of the United States of America. 

Vocabulary: Three branches of government ( legislative, judicial branch, executive branch)

                       National symbols,  election, candidate, ballot, vote, veto, law, role, responsibility, 

                       Right, governor, mayor, president

Music Curriculum: Students in class 201 are performing rhythm patterns involving quarter notes, eighth notes, half notes and quarter rests. They are also reading melodies on a three lined staff. The students will also be learning songs that draw ties to fictional stories, connecting to their HMH unit on “Once Upon a Time.”

Home Connection: 

Students can practice their rhythms with popsicle sticks. In the link below, Ms. Florio shows you how!


Students can sing songs from the works of fiction they will do in music class using the choice board below:



92NY Dance Connections Partnership: All second grade students will be participating in a partnership with teaching artists from 92NY to learn African and Contemporary Dance. Students will participating in eighteen sessions with the teaching artists. The focus on the residency is developing characters and storytelling through movement to tie to their HMH unit on “Once Upon a Time.” The students will also be attending a performance of “Urban Bush Women” at the 92NY theater in NYC on December 11th. More information about this program will be released to families soon!



2nd Grade artists will begin by discussing the concept of characters in stories. They will then create original characters inspired by contemporary stories and illustrate them using pencils and colored pencils displaying unique personalities, traits, appearances and physical features. 

Home Connection:

Students can practice drawing themselves, a family member, or a friend at home!

 Steps to draw a face 

Parent & Student Voice

Class 201, 202, 203

 In Social Studies students are learning about the different parts of our local, state and national government. The week of Election Day, we read the book Duck For President and conducted our own 2nd grade election! You’ll never guess who won!?! Was it the Duck or the Farmer?? Ask your child! If you want to listen to the story at home - here is the link! 

 Picture of Duck for President book
Pictures of students voting for their class election